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NAFFCO's Successful Presence at INDOFIREX 2019 EXPO & FORUM, INDONESIA

We are thrilled to share our success story from the recently concluded INDOFIREX 2019 EXPO & FORUM held at the Jakarta Convention Center in Jakarta, INDONESIA, from July 17th to 19th, 2019. NAFFCO showcased an array of cutting-edge solutions in Firefighting, HDPE Piping, and Passive Fire Protection. Our experts had the privilege of engaging with industry leaders, professionals, and stakeholders, discussing the latest advancements and innovations in fire safety and protection.

We were truly inspired by the enthusiasm and interest displayed by all of you who visited our stand. Your engagement was pivotal in making the event a resounding success.
As we reflect on this remarkable event, we are excited about the future prospects and collaborations that lie ahead. NAFFCO remains dedicated to advancing safety standards, and your support and interest reinforce our commitment.

Click one of our representatives below to chat on WhatsApp.