Incident Commander

Incident Commander (24 Hours)

The course introduces emergency response personnel to a higher education, mutual aid partners to all-hazards, critical incident prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery roles and responsibilities to deal with emergency situations.

Disaster Preparedness Management (40 hours)

This course on Emergency management provides a structure for anticipating and dealing with emergency incidents. Emergency management involves participants at all governmental levels and in the private sector. Activities are geared according to phases before, during, and after emergency events. The effectiveness of emergency management rests on a network of relationships among partners in the system. The goal of this course is to introduce the student to the fundamentals of emergency management as an integrated system, surveying how the resources and capabilities of all functions at all levels can be networked together in all phases for all hazards.

Incident Command for Industrial Brigades (16 Hours)

This Course will train participants to use the ICS to manage emergency incidents. increase responder safety and more effectively use available resources. Participants will also learn how NIMS and Incident command will work at their facility.

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